Sunday, August 3, 2008

Coast Trip

Well...this day we decided to go to the coast, I was actually supposed to go to work this day but as I was spending the morning with the family they suggested to me that they wanted to go to the coast. They then proceeded to "encourage/pressure" me to take the day off and spend they day at the coast with them. Lol They continued to tell me how much fun we would all have and with much persuation I finally gave in and decided to go! :) (really it didnt take much convincing at all!!)
We had so much fun at the beach, it was one of the best days. Spending time with corey and my future in-laws is one of my favorite ways to spend my time!! :)
We pretty much like each other a lot

I like the way you like me

I'm so happy with him!


I adore this little one

Daddy & Ben

Mommy & Ben

He is having a blast!

The water is getting closer!

He doesn't really like the taste of the sand

He loves the beach

Ben havin fun in the sand


ruri huriah said...

hai, pretty girl you have

McCluskey Family said...

Great Pictures!! We had a lot of fun going to the coast. I hope this week goes by really fast for you. We can't wait until the next trip.
The fam

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun. Love the pictures.